Wednesday, April 21, 2010


finished sunday, april 18th--technically I was done my part by friday (16th), but finally put it all together with sound (done by Pierre Yves Drapeau) on sunday. happy!

I'd post it, except I don't know how festivals take to nonprivate screenings. wish I knew more about these things!
anyway, blog is no longer private. going to post other stuff here, now that the film is done. :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

one more hurdle!

almost done animation, coming up to color....
here's one possible style!

Monday, December 7, 2009

leica 18

notes to self:
-treadmill scene, make clearer, get rid of wall-crash (change to slope off)
-electrocution scene, make clearer, more obvious
-staircase, dog thumps down

Saturday, October 31, 2009


10-hour-film-making! woo
side story of the girl and her dog, sometime between after she's accepted death and before she became an animator. yar.
better version with sound that actually SYNCS here:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

leica 7

two people didn't get the ending, so perhaps having two versions of the girl at the same time doesn't compute well enough. in this case, I've just gone back to my very very first original ending, where the dog comes to life and you find out it's the girl animating. no reunion on screen, oh well. for the sake of clarity!!

and here is a more 'water-color' type bg. thinking of animating bg, if possible heh

stuff I still gotta fix:
-when waiting for ball to be thrown, dog is so excited his tail wags his butt
-girl should head left when dragging dog to food; keep consistency of left = defy death, right = fail/acceptance
-better ways to do 'discover plug' scene!
-electrocuting scene, redraw for clarity/better shots
-when flying back after getting shocked at last, they should knock into treadmill along the way, breaking through it; HUGE explosion!! exaggerate
-make girl 'pet' (rub) the drawn paper dog.
-lightbox should be the only thing giving off light, everything else is dark (at last scene)
-make ending/beginning unmistakably animated, perhaps tilted at an angle to show paper, or something.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

leica 6

ending A+B!
watching and re-watching stuff kills all emotional stirrings. I can't even tell if I should like it anymore!

and here's a test of the dog, getting more and more excited.

stuff I still gotta fix:
-when waiting for ball to be thrown, dog is so excited his tail wags his butt
-girl should head left when dragging dog to food; keep consistency of left = defy death, right = fail/acceptance
-zoom out from treadmill; reveal shot
-better ways to do 'discover plug' scene!
-electrocuting scene, redraw for clarity/better shots
-when flying back after getting shocked at last, they should knock into treadmill along the way, breaking through it; HUGE explosion!! exaggerate
-someone didn't like the girl twirling the dog at the end, too much like lovers they say. explore other doggy-love options (ideas?).
-make face shot of girl animating longer? to give audience time to realize. maybe even make her 'pet' the paper dog.
-lightbox should be the only thing giving off light, everything else is dark (at last scene)

BG test... my weakness. ):

Thursday, October 1, 2009

leica 4&5

so, endings A and B.
A = dog is reunited with girl in memory
B = girl is animating the dog

points for A = they are together on screen again
points for B = the girl is actively reviving dog



people seemed to be confused about the 'memory' part for A. is she watching an old home video? etc. unclear.
maaaybe I can draw her animating her and the dog, a combination of A + B... maybe. though it seems a bit cluttered. I prefer A for now... the imagery seems more moving. however, if people don't get it then it is definitely a failure. how to make it ... clearer and simpler. arrrgg

Monday, September 28, 2009

'fun' pack

Thursday, September 24, 2009


my ...first animation? god this was ages ago! this was after the real sketchi died. I wanted to draw him in a loop so he could ~live forever~ feh. think this was like 8 years ago, at least. ms paint all the way.

haha why not upload this embarrassing thing, it's the true beginning of the story after all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

leica 3rd pass

now with sound!
gotta rehaul the beginning (to be more about girl & dog being happy together; happy THEN dead = loss, not ball THEN dead dog = ???) but I'm actually starting to like it. now all I need to do is make each shot clear.

throughline = reviving the dog

1. LOSS --dog dies
2. DENIAL --trying to WAKE dog
3. DESPERATION --trying to REVIVE dog
4. ACCEPTANCE --successful revival of dog in MEMORY


1. TOGETHER --playing ball!
2. ALONE? --can she revive the dog?
3. ALONE. --she can't.
4. TOGETHER! --but she can remember him!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

leica 2nd pass (rough)

will be adding sound and clarifying some unclear parts tomorrow. sotired
just throwing it up here for archives. wait for the next one to actually watch.

suggestions for self:
-separate ball bounce scene from dog dying
-dog's POV being dragged into house?
-treadmill shot no need to cut; zoom out for reveal
-treadmill scene no need for CU of speeding up (possibly show dog 'becoming fast' rather than 'fast')
-when shocking, make them together, show more care from girl
-gloves burning off not evident... at all
-after shock, make it about despair (girl bent over, looking down not up)
-use down-shot when hugging dog crying: lonely
-make cut between girl-without-dog-world and dog-is-alive-dream more obvious
-think of more 'doggy' ideas than twirling ("too much like lover?")

-what does film skipping look like? sound like? (for ending)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

leica pass

first leica pass.... does not strike up emotions. and that makes me sad. ):
back to the drawing board